Woo’s Jersey Shore was cancelled J.K. Rowling made a new book Obama re-elected Gangnam Style Snow The Avengers The Hobbit Silent movie wins Oscar Gay Rights passed in 9 states Augmented Reality FHS Football makes playoffs DECA goes to states Wes Roberts, Jake DeWeese and Dee Dee Adams to XC States Man jumps from space Man tightrope walks across Niagara Falls Will and Kate’s Baby The Perks of Being a Wallflower The 2012 London Olympics We didn’t die in the apocalypse! Kennywood’s new ride — the Black Widow Mr. Hernandez Football Coach of the year Curiosity Mars Rover—Aug. 6th Dark Knight Rises Supreme Court passes Obama Care Boo’s Mr. Hartman left us with Mr. Fitzpatrick Jwoww & Snooki Binders full of Women Bad roads NYE not so rocking/Dick Clark died The Fiscal Cliff Horse Roundups/Slaughtering Star Wars Marijuana legalized: 2 states for recreation, 8 medicinal Freedom bomb scare Death of Hostess Neil Armstrong died iPhone 5 charger change Miley Cyrus’ haircut Poor movie adaptations Trayvon Martin’s death NHL lockout No zombie apocalypse Aurora shooting Hurricane Sandy Sandy Hook Call Me Maybe Twilight Honey Boo Boo Kony 2012 SOPA