Technology improves faster than the blink of an eye. From computers, cellular devices or televisions, there is always something new being worked on or improved. The same applies to the gaming industry, which is shifting into a whole different market (and taking its consumers into it as well).
This new form of technology is a virtual reality headset made for game play: Oculus Rift. The headset places the user into a world where only the user can see and control. The places the user can “go” are always being updated. Outer space, inside of a helicopter and even into Jerry Seinfield’s apartment from “Seinfield” are just a few of the possibilities.
Mr. Matt Scala, the director of technology and information services for the district, owns the first Oculus developer kit of this new technology.
“I bought the headset in July or August of 2013,” Scala said.
The first generation of headsets were released to the public on Sept. 26, 2012 for $300, but are no longer available, as of March 12, 2014. Soon after, the company will release a second developer’s kit with 1080p resolution in July 2014. It can be preordered for $350.
After the company showcased their second developer’s kit, Facebook bought the company for $400 million in cash, $1.6 million in Facebook stock and, if Oculus makes a certain financial target, an additional $300 million.
As for what Oculus Rift is and how it is used, the user puts on the goggles which conceal a seven inch screen and are connected to a computer monitor via USB. From there, downloads of various portals can be found on Oculus’s website and can be used to explore. After that, it is up to the user to explore the world where they are set. As for bringing this technology into the school, Scala said it has a few broad uses.
“There is a parking simulator, a museum which you can walk around and see actual works of art. You can walk up to a painting, see the painting and learn what it’s about,” Scala said.
He also mentioned that one day it could be a new way for students to use cyber school.
Oculus Rift is basically every gamer’s dream: to be inside the video game. It enables the user to be fully immersed in a virtual world. Technology continues to advance every day, and the possibilities are limitless. In the near future, video games will likely combine virtual reality headsets (like the Oculus Rift) and motion tracking technology (like the Xbox Kinect) to make for a one of a kind gaming experience. In as little as two years, the Oculus Rift will be commercially available.
Both Sony and Microsoft have begun developing their own virtual reality headsets and will drastically change the gaming industry. Experiencing the Oculus Rift firsthand is just about the only way to truly understand how phenomenal it is.
Virtual world becomes reality: Oculus Rift takes users into various worlds through headset
Mr. Matt Scala and Sophomore Louis Dubovi testing the Oculus Rift program.