Top jobs for 2020
The ever-winding path to an exciting and readily available career has always been a challenging road for students to follow. Deciding what career path a student wants to pursue is one of the most crucial decisions they will make in high school, and can seem overwhelming, especially with the endless number of careers in today’s workforce.
Currently science, technology and engineering fields are projected to continue to grow, which means a select few jobs are ripe for the picking in the economic market. As these industries continue to flourish, so will their employment and ability to hire. By 2020, many high school students currently residing in Freedom will be graduating and entering the workforce of tomorrow.
Software development is a well-paying career where workers take part in creating everything from the next generation of Microsoft Word to the world’s most popular portable games. As the need for technology, along with programs to run alongside it increases, so does the demand for occupations involving software development. This occupation pays well, with the median salary ranging around $90,000, but a computer systems analyst’s salary is slightly higher (by about $10,000). This worker would analyze a company’s software needs and suggest the appropriate software to best run their operations.
In the medical field, business is booming as usual. People constantly coming down with this year’s cold, breaking their arm while playing baseball or receiving physical therapy for their stiff joints. Because of this, the need for physical therapists and nurses are always at a positive employment rate. If a student enjoys helping others, seems interested and would like to be paid well for it, he or she should consider a career in the medical field. Options vary widely, and advancement is always welcome with the appropriate degree. A specialist or surgeon in this field is usually paid upwards of $167,000, but with the high cost of stress, long shifts and a long education.
If a student is interested in finances, they may be interested in becoming an accountant or business analyst. All major businesses have someone who advises them on how to invest their money and whether or not they’re making a substantial profit. This job zone always thrives due to business’s constant need to maximize profit and minimize costs. This career pays a median salary of $63,000.
If a college education isn’t the path of a student’s choosing, they might want to consider going to a trade school and becoming a carpenter or construction manager. There are always new buildings being constructed, and construction project managers oversee and direct workers to their specific tasks.This career typically doesn’t equire a college education, and can pay a median salary of $59,000.
In terms of careers for 2020, a student would best be suited in a career involving a sector that constantly requires jobs. This includes the technology and medical departments especially, despite the heavy education expenses. An important aspect for students to consider is job appeal. Although medical field careers are tempting with their wide numbers, the medical degree ticket to ride doesn’t come easy.
In addition, many jobs require long hours and/or little time for a family, and the best job may not necessarily be the highest paying. Chose a career that best suits your interests and talents and you’ll be sure to succeed in whatever you do.