Seniors, here we stand at the beginning of the end of our high school career. It all looks so beautiful from here. But what happens next? Many of you have been accepted and plan on going to college, but a few of you may be wondering what you want to do next.
Many students all around the world take a “gap year” before going on to college. Traditionally, a gap year is a year between high school and college where students take courses, work jobs and internships, travel the world, immerse themselves in culture and more.
A gap year can either be a full year, or just a semester between schools, or even in between years at college.
Some say that taking this year off will prevent students from going to college. Of course, what some don’t realize is that you can still take courses during this “off” year, as well as working a job based on the career you would like to pursue.
Research conducted on gap years show that students who do take this year off are better prepared for college and the career they pursue afterwards. Some students might find out they changed their mind about the major after learning more about it.
In general, colleges prefer that you apply and then take your gap year, as they will re-admit you after this year. For the majority of the time they will also offer you the same financial aid and scholarships that they did before, but they require you to apply for aid again.
There aren’t really a lot of guidelines concerning a gap year, but it’s best not to spend the year watching re-runs of your favorite TV shows and surfing the couch with a bag of potato chips. Colleges do accept you based on your academic advances, so taking courses during your year off will be incredibly beneficial in getting admitted or re-admitted.
And of course, maybe taking a gap year after high school isn’t for you. Don’t be afraid of taking one during college to explore your interests, and don’t be afraid to take one now. A year off might open up different interest and career ideas you had not considered before.