The final goal
Boys soccer season comes to an end
Sophomore Colin Fricke shoots the ball in an attempt to score against the Elizabeth Forward Warriors on Oct. 26.
As the weather gets colder and the trees lose their leaves, fall sports begin to come to an end. The boys soccer team finished their season 7-7-1. The season was arguably one of the weirdest seasons of their lives. It was nothing like the previous seasons considering COVID-19, but it was still a great time and the memories made will last forever.
During every game, the team played their hardest and strived for victories. When watching games from the stands, spectators could see the teamwork and dedication radiating off of each and every player. Each game and play brought the team closer together to compete and have fun.
“One of the best plays we had was when Garrett hit a 60-yard shot in the upper corner of the net,” sophomore Colin Fricke said.
Every play that they had meant something to the boys, whether it was good or bad. Some boys have favorite plays or plays they are most proud of.
“My favorite play was Dylan’s back-to-back buzzer beater goals in the North Catholic game because I was excited,” junior Josh Yeck said.
The boys made it to the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL) playoffs because of their great efforts during every game. Sadly, they lost their first playoff game on Oct. 26 against the Elizabeth Forward Warriors, which brought the season to an end. Senior Garrett Paxton and freshman Dylan Scheel both got a goal, and the final score was 2-7. It didn’t end in vain because they had a fun team dinner after the game at Olive Garden.
“My favorite memory of the highschool season was eating at Olive Garden after our playoff loss. It would be our last time ever being in the same room all together having fun,” Fricke said.
Memories are a big part of sports. Memories give players something to look back on and smile about. Even if the season didn’t go the way they may have wanted, the team can look back on the fun times they had with their teammates and feel better.
“Some of my best memories are having fun with the team on and off the field,” freshman James Couch said.
Next year, the team will face some changes. They will lose seniors Paxton, Michael Castaneda-Sanchez, Colton Heasley and Keith Pawlowski. The team may also switch up practices for next year.
“Some changes for next year will probably be the defensive formation. Our practices will primarily involve passing and the quality of the ball (less turnovers),” Fricke said.
The seniors were all great additions to the team and will be missed. Without them, the team will be different next year, as it will be composed of younger players.
“For the team next year, I hope they have a good season and do really well, and most importantly, I hope they all have fun playing the sport they love,” Paxton said.