Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Summer time, senior time

Seniors prepare for summer post graduation
Last goodbye: Writing in the sand, senior Madison Meyer takes one last vacation to the beach with her family before college. Spending quality time with family is important to allow the bonds to grow tighter.

After nine long months of continuous learning, students look forward to the summer months, for freedom and a break from school. Seniors, specifically, are ecstatic for summer because they only have one more left before their futures begin. Students planning to go to college will have these few months as a final goodbye to relaxation and their high school careers.

Seniors have formed friend groups that have grown over their years of learning at the secondary education level. Leaving these friends will be hard but, luckily, many seniors this year are going to college and rooming with their close friends. Seniors rooming with their close friends will have an easier time transitioning from high school to college life. People will spend time with their friends that they are leaving behind since they won’t see them much.

“Since I will be going to college in the fall, I have been planning to spend time with my friends and family that I will not see everyday,” senior Madison Meyer said. “Fortunately, I am rooming with my best friend at college so I will have an easier time feeling comfortable at a new place.”

Most seniors plan to go on vacations with their families or their friends as a send off. Seniors will soon be moving into a dorm where they will not be able to see their family everyday. This will be a rough adjustment for many people, especially for the students who will be traveling out of state for school.

“My plans are to attend as many grad parties as I can because I want to spend as much time with my high school friends as possible,” senior Brenna McIlvain said. “I also have a trip to Florida planned with a couple of my friends in July.”

Along with not knowing anyone, seniors moving into college will not know their way around the new state they are moving to. Missing their families will be the hardest thing for the seniors, especially, for those who have siblings that they are close with or family pets that they must leave behind.

“This summer I plan to spend a lot of time with my friends since I don’t have much time left with them,” senior Emma Falk said. “I also plan to spend a lot of time with my family because I am not sure how often I will be able to see them while I am away at college.”