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Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Jessica Palakovich

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (

All content by Jessica Palakovich
Junior David Jansen prepares his windup to pitch against Laurel opponent.

Baseball’s losses hits home

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
May 22, 2018
Editorial-MediaLiteracy-Palakovich 1

[Photo] Puck beats ball

Sam Romutis, Staff Writer
May 22, 2018
These are all of the officers who have died from gunshot wounds so far in the year 2018.

18 officers shot to death in 2018 alone

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
March 23, 2018
Back from the dead: Old TV shows revived

Back from the dead: Old TV shows revived

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
February 28, 2018

Future forward

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
January 31, 2018
This November, volunteers unload Christmas trees at a YMCA in Idaho.

All the trimmings without the tree

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
December 22, 2017

Mommy, what is an elephant?

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
December 22, 2017
Taking time to read the signs across Beaver County can help one understand the impact that history left on the land and its people.

Legacy of Harmonist Society

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
November 30, 2017
A woman who was killed when she fell 73 feet from the edge Summit Cut Bridge supposedly haunts the area.

Hometown Haunts

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
October 30, 2017
The elephant calf born on Aug. 30 at the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium shows off her Penguin pride while draped in a Stanley Cup Final 2017 towel and Sumatran tigers are one of the rarest animals in the world, being the rarest of all tiger species, with as few as 300 left in the wild.

The circle of life

Jessica Palakovich, Editor-in-Chief (
September 29, 2017

Ready for WPIALS

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
May 24, 2017

Terror in Tibet

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
May 24, 2017

Ready for WPIALS

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
May 24, 2017

Launching the future

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
May 2, 2017
Drawn by Jessica Palakovich

A fresh take

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
March 31, 2017
A swarm of 300 Shooting Star drones by Intel Incorporation surprise audiences as they feature in Lady Gaga’s halftime performance.

Aerial illuminations fall into formation

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
February 28, 2017

Man’s best friend finds his purpose

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
January 31, 2017
Mariah Carey’s New Year’s show, or lack of one, may have been caused by undue stress on the star.

Too much pressure

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
January 31, 2017

Caught in the moment

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
December 22, 2016
Caught in the Moment

Caught in the Moment

Jessica Palakovich, Photo/Design Editor
December 21, 2016
To date, President Obama has commuted sentences of more than 1,000 people.

Record-breaking clemency

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
December 21, 2016
 As described by White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, President Barack Obama visiting Hiroshima with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was “a powerful image seeing the American president and the Japanese prime minister standing side by side in that city.”

Remembering infamy

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
December 8, 2016

The turkey report

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
November 30, 2016

Jessica Palakovich, Photo/Design Editor
November 9, 2016

Spooky statistics

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
November 3, 2016
A fresh take on 'school spirit'

A fresh take on ‘school spirit’

Jessica Palakovich, Photo/Design Editor
October 30, 2016
Drone technology soars

Drone technology soars

Jessica Palakovich, Photo and Design Editor
September 30, 2016
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