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FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Hallie Spielman

Hallie Spielman, Webmaster

All content by Hallie Spielman
Comparing “Anne of Green Gables” to “Anne with an E” shows that some elements of the story remain but many parts of the popular book are missing from the Netflix version.

From paper to screen

Hallie Spielman, Webmaster
January 31, 2020
Adopted as a senior dog from her previous owner, the dalmatian named Lucky quickly became part of her new family. She was about seven years old when she was made a member of the family and lived with them for the rest of her life.

Older pets need love, too!

Hallie Spielman, Webmaster
December 20, 2019
 American circuses were associated with animal abuse but circuses in other countries were still able to work with animals since they appropriately cared for the animals that they were working with.

Lions, tigers, abuse! Oh my!

Hallie Spielman, Web Master
November 2, 2019
Past, present and future

Past, present and future

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
June 1, 2019
Although technology has become more advanced throughout history, new technology mimics older technology.

Too Dependo on Techno

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
February 28, 2019
About 89.7 million dogs live in the United States; around 500,000 of those dogs are service dogs.

Man’s best friend helps enormously

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
February 19, 2019
The eight faculty members stood together to take a picture after they took the plunge.

Plunge for profits

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
February 1, 2019
Pressured giving and nothing else

Pressured giving and nothing else

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
December 21, 2018

The circle of life

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
November 30, 2018
Junior Morgan Swab goes to spike the volleyball at the OLSH varsity volleyball team.

Lady Bulldogs end season strong

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
October 31, 2018
One of the many lessons on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood was to be kind to others. Hate speech goes against what one of the main themes the TV show taught.

Hate the hate in the world

Hallie Spielman, Editorial Editor
September 7, 2018
Evans and her section stand for a goofy picture to remember the experience that they had together.

Going up an octave to Regionals

Hallie Spielman, Distribution Director
March 23, 2018
NHS starts new recycling program

NHS starts new recycling program

Hallie Spielman, Distribution Director
January 31, 2018
 Three hot chocolate mix combinations hanging on a Christmas tree to display some possible combinations.

Hot chocolate in a bauble

Hallie Spielman, Distribution Director
December 22, 2017
The new Google Pixel 2 is modeled to show off the phone to possible consumers.

Pixel perfect

Hallie Spielman, Distribution Director
November 30, 2017
The volleyball team gathers together during their varsity game against Beaver.

Ending with an attack

Hallie Spielman, Distribution Director
October 31, 2017
Models show the new trends sweeping through stores.

Happening with Hallie

Hallie Spielman, Distribution Director
September 29, 2017
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