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Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Freedom Area High School's Student Newspaper

FHS Press

Bryson Deal

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor

All content by Bryson Deal
Quite a show: Many people watch the Super Bowl events for different reasons. Some enjoy the game, others watch it just for the halftime show and some just stay tuned for the commercials.

Not-so-Super Bowl

Bryson Deal, Sports Editor
February 28, 2025
Whole lotta... empty seats: Aside from some of the biggest names, many artists' concerts are reeling in fewer and fewer attendees. As the amount of rap fans continues to diminish, more and more artists struggle to sell out venues like they once did.

Dropping Bars

Bryson Deal, Sports Editor
January 31, 2025
More tricks than treats: A graphic representation of the dangers and unusualities of the Halloween season. Kids who trick-or-treat are putting themselves at risk of potential kidnapping at every doorstep.

What’s the Deal with… Halloween?

Bryson Deal, Sports Editor
October 31, 2024
 The battle for 47: Voters will choose between former President Donald Trump (R), Vice President Kamala Harris
(D) and a number of lesser-known third party candidates on Election Day, November 5.

Presidential candidates debate

Bryson Deal, Sports Editor
September 30, 2024
City of champions: Despite being 20th in the first round pick, the Steelers had a stream of success when drafting for the upcoming season. Their draft received an "A grade" from numerous sources.

Steel City sports

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
May 23, 2024
All eggs in one basket: During Easter, people celebrate with egg dyeing and seeing the Easter bunny, both of which have little to no correlation with the holiday’s original intent. Easter’s Christan background involves the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Hippity Hoppity

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
April 30, 2024
Digitally Dependent: Students rely on technology for almost everything they do in a day. From doing homework to listening to music, it is all done through some sort of electronic device.

Low on battery

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
March 26, 2024
Hard toss: Swinging his arm, Christopher Denkovich launches the shot at track practice on March 14. Students divide into smaller groups based on their discipline for better focus on improving their skills.

Tracking down success

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
March 26, 2024
Love of the star: Many enjoy watching sports for the love of the game, but many are influenced to watch them because their favorite celebrities are at the games or promote certain teams. Some think this is good for the sports industry, but many believe it takes away from the players themselves.

Not part of the game plan

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
February 29, 2024
Lose for your winnings: Sports teams who keep losing typically end up on top on the money scale. This trend is present within almost every professional sport.

Pay to lose

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
January 31, 2024
Spy on the shelf: The Elf on the Shelf is portrayed surveying your house and monitoring your every move. This is one of the many strange Christmas traditions students' families may participate in during the Holiday season.

Fa la la la lame

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
December 21, 2023
Meeting to make a difference: Looking at the agenda, members of the Student Government talked to one another during their meeting on Nov. 14. The group discussed the future of the student center.

Student Government back in motion

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
November 29, 2023
A sharp taste: The packaging of a Laffy Taffy is torn back revealing a razor blade; meant to symbolize how the dangers that come with Halloween could be so easily concealed.

More Tricks than Treats

Bryson Deal, Copy Editor
October 31, 2023
Mad March Madness

Mad March Madness

Bryson Deal, Contributing Writer
April 28, 2023
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