Savannah Angello
Senior will:
I bequeath Front Unit to Lexine House-holder and Belinda McNear because I trust that they will do a good job keep-ing everyone in line.
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
I want to get my masters degree, get a good job and move out of Pennsylvania.
Who is your most influential teacher? Mr. Kovalic taught me to speak up, Mrs. Giammaria taught me to be myself and Mr. Fitzpatrick taught me to better myself and do my work.
What will you miss most about FHS? The band and chorus; I have made so many friends through those two activi-ties.
Austin Bailey
Senior will:
I bequeath my personality and humor to Bradley Eckman because he deserves it.
What is your advice for underclassmen? Play the game of high school as well as you can. Get good grades and—most importantly— suck-up.
Who is your most influential teacher? Mr. Kovalic. He has pushed me to do so much and to succeed in all of my do-ings.
What will you miss most about FHS?
The teachers and how much they care about us.
Kristy Ball
Senior will:
I bequeath my pencil to Miss Fontaine be-cause I don’t want it any-more.
Who is your most influential teacher? Miss Fontaine.
What is one thing you would tell your fresh-man self?
To not mess around, do all of the work that is given to you and keep your grades up.
How are you going to change the world?
Saving peoples’ lives by being a nurse.
Samuel Beckey
Senior will:
I bequeath my height and good looks to Jake Schwab because he needs both.
What is your advice for underclassmen? Don’t wish time away. Enjoy the time you have with your class-mates.
What are your plans after high school? Get a business degree and play college baseball.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be? Play golf instead of foot-ball.
Brandon Bionda
Senior will:
I bequeath my musical ability to my sister because not too many people work harder at it than her.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Take what you can get,” – Mr. Wargo
Who is your most influential teacher? Mr. Fitzpatrick for always being there for me.
What is your high school nickname? Big Rig or Steve Biondi.
Joseph Brunner
Senior will:
I bequeath my “IDK” attitude to Maura Lehocky. She needs one for the years to come.
What is your best high school memory? Mrs. Porter’s class in 9th grade
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Porter.
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Be confident.
Jonuathan Cleek
Senior will:
I bequeath my awesome kicking powers to Tyler Shingleton be-cause he puts the team on his back.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Guys, this is Cleek math. It has no numbers,” – Mr. Wargo
What are your plans after high school? College and working my way up the BestBuy company.
Who is your most influential teacher? Mr. Majors and Mr. Wargo.
Sarah Choflet
Senior will: I bequeath my drum majoring abilities to Hunter Bonzo; good luck! I bequeath the future of the FHS Press to all of PMW; don’t worry, I’ll be reading online. Lastly, I bequeath my wit, happiness and good humor to Fitzy; perk up.
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime? I want to not only be a good mom, but I also want to accomplish something that is able to applied and used by those in the future.
Who is your most influential teacher? I really couldn’t pick just one, so I won’t. Mr. Wargo, Mrs. Porter, Tink, Mr. Hartman, Ms. Ionta, Dr. Staub and Mr. Kovalic. I guess I was very easily influenced.
If you could change one deci-sion you made in high school, what would it be? I would have joined swimming earlier.
Tyler Cousins
What is your advice for un-derclassmen? Have fun and live with no regrets.
What are your plans after high school? Attend college then get a job
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
To always be happy.
What is your high school nickname? Ty, Cuz, Wolfman, Wolfman Jack, Terry Terrance, T.C.
Jacob DeWeese
Senior will:
I bequeath my affection to Danny Con-rad because he is cute.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“That sounds like something Danny would do,” – Mr. Shepherd
What are your plans after high school? To attend PSU Behrend and major in engineering along with spending time with Danny Conrad.
What is your high school nickname? Jacob “I Love Danny Conrad” DeWeese
Tyler DiCiero
Senior will:
I bequeath my height to Teny to make him feel my pain.
What is your advice for underclassmen? Don’t wait until the last minute to do your senior project.
What are your plans after high school? Go to CCBC for two years, then trans-fer to Slippery Rock for sports manage-ment.
What will you miss most about FHS?
Getting to hang out with my friends all during the week, making memories with them and what not.
Deanna Edwards
Senior will:
I bequeath my ability to tick off Mr. Kovalick to Hunter Bonzo because it was passed on to me.
What are your plans after high school? Edinboro University for secondary edu-cation in history.
Who is your most influential teacher? Mr. Kovalic because he pushed me to be the best I could be.
How are you going to change the world?
One person at a time.
Jonathan Fiscus
Senior will:
I bequeath my strength to Lucas Yeck because he needs it.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
(Breaks chalk on board) “Ahhh, my strength,”- Mr. Wargo.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Hernandez.
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Don’t stop working hard.
Katie Fisher
Senior will:
I bequeath my positive outlook to Lau-ren Horner.
What is your advice for underclassmen? Procrastination only equals panic attack.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Every day we have the opportunity to practice maturity,” – Mr. Langelli
What are your plans after high school? To attend CCBC for two years and then to transfer to a four year university.
Nathan Fleming
Senior will:
I bequeath my trumpet stand to Keester, because I have no other choice.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Mr. Fleming…”- Mr. Saludis
What are your plans after high school?
To study Bioengineering at Pitt.
Who is your most influential teacher? Mr. Wargo and Mr. Saludis.
Richelle Fuller
Senior will:
I bequeath the skill of tripping over pe-destrian signs to Rachel Law because someone needs to do it next year.
What is your advice for underclassmen? Stop now and run!
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“You’re the broth, but you need to be the meat and po-tatoes,” – Mr. Kovalic
If you could change one deci-sion you made in high school, what would it be?
Take all technol-ogy classes possi-ble.
Jesse Gaunt
Senior will:
I bequeath the ability to torture younger kids in band to Robbie Raso because he has suffered enough. It’s now his turn. I bequeath my physics ability to Jon Bittner because he shows the necessary passion. I bequeath my love of music to Tristan Cumber-ledge because he will use it.
What is your advice for underclassmen?
Just keep swimmin’.
How are you going to change the world?
I want to make the world less ignorant and more accepting.
Brianna Haglan
Senior will:
I bequeath my amazing vocal cords to Josh Battaglia so that he can sing “Put Your Graffiti On Me” almost as good as I can.
What is your best high school memory?
Attend Penn State University Park to major in Chemical Engineering.
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
I’d like to live for quite some time. That’s be really nice. Oh, and I hope to love what I do. That would also be kind of impor-tant.
What is your high school nick-name?
Well Britt called me Lil Breezy for awhile…(I sup-pose it was my gangsta/rappa’ name)
Tyler Gualtieri
What is your advice for underclassmen?
I encourage everyone to get involved in many activities and get good grades if you are looking to attend college.
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Be successful in whatever I do.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Pickard.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
Get better grades my freshman and sophomore year.
What will you miss most about FHS?
The teachers.
Emilee Handyside
Senior will:
I bequeath the number 10 in soccer to Niki Vargo. I bequeath high jummping abilities to Casey Spieler. I bequeath my mad skills in the paint to Courtney Susan.
What is your best high school memory? Running to Tink after we found out we made it to states in the 4×800 meter re-lay.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“I don’t rely on luck. Luck is a crutch for the lazy, unskilled and desperate,” -Tink
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
All of the hard work pays off.
Mark Harding
Senior will:
I bequeath good memories to my teach-ers so they won’t forget me when I’m gone.
What is your advice for underclassmen?
Always try hard to push yourself.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
Mr. Wargo, Miss Fontaine and Mrs. Barr
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
Not study-ing.
Branden Heckman
Senior will:
I bequeath my manli-ness and love for tat-toos to Lucas Yeck be-cause he is a small child.
What is your best high school memory?
All of the fun football memories.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
Mrs. Porter and Mr. Hernandez.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
I have no idea; it’s been a good ride.
What is your high school nickname?
Kevin Herbert
Senior will:
I bequeath my massive biceps to Ryan Whipple because he needs some ladies.
What is your best high school memory?
Friday night football games in subzero temperatures.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Trees are smarter than people,” – Mr. Wilson
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Live on the west coast and not ask strangers for money.
Margaret Herzog
Senior will:
I bequeath my band organiza-tion and music folder to Jordan Kester because he is going to need it.
What are your plans after high school?
Attend Lycom-ing College and graduate in 2017 or sooner.
Who is your most influential teacher? Mrs. Hastings
What will you miss most about FHS?
My friends and not being able to see them frequently.
Amanda Hryckowian
Senior will:
I bequeath the treasure chest of riches I left in the school to whoever can find it because who doesn’t love a good ol’ fashioned treasure hunt?
What are your plans after high school?
Attend Point Park University for Crea-tive Writing and continue to adore pho-tography.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Fitzpatrick.
What will you miss most about FHS?
Being around this senior class. I’m not friends with everyone or talk to every-one, but being around the same people for such a long time and hav-ing classes together is neat.
Nickolas Jackman
Senior will:
I give everything to Lane Ward, Matt Pavlick, Eann Shaw, Scott Jacobs and Brandon Smart.
What are your plans after high school?
Attend CCBC then Penn State for Biol-ogy.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Porter, Tink and Mr. Wargo
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
Being incredibly lazy.
What is your high school nickname?
Stephen Kappas
Senior will:
I bequeath my laziness to everyone that matters because why not?
What is your advice for underclassmen?
From the day we arrived on the planet, and blinking steps into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done. No, wait. That’s the Lion King.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“If it was easy it wouldn’t be good,”
– Mr. Kovalic
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
Do calculus homework on time.
David Kiefer
Senior will:
I bequeath the title of eldest Kiefer in the school to my brother Luke, be-cause it will be a true statement.
What is your advice for underclass-men?
Always try your best and take classes seriously.
What are your plans after high school?
Graduate col-lege and get a job doing something I truly enjoy. I also want to travel to Europe sometime in my life.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Haggerty for encouraging my in-terest in art and Tink for encouraging me to do my best and maintain my in-terest in running.
Anthony Kosis
What is your advice for underclassmen?
Word hard, don’t get frustrated and you’ll succeed.
What is your best high school memory?
Winning section title in 2009 for soccer.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Majors because he helped me a lot throughout the years and believed I could accomplish any task.
What is your high school nickname?
Madeline Lewis
Senior will:
I bequeath my ability to make it rain to Joanne Barlamas. Ball it up on the court!
What is your best high school memory?
Breaking the school record in basketball.
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
I hope to have a successful career and volunteer as much as I can.
How are you going to change the world?
I want to help people every day and make a difference in their lives.
Colin Macon
Senior will:
I bequeath my dunking abilities to Matt Feits because someone has to dunk in a game.
What is your best high school mem-ory?
Getting in trouble for putting a brownie in the sink.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“You can be successful, you just choose
not to be,” – Mr. Wargo
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
To not put the brownie in the sink.
Emily Majors
Senior will:
I bequeath my hardworking abilities to Ryan Gray because he is essentially my little brother and I want him to succeed.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“You’re like one of those little kids in church whose parents give them bags of cereal to keep them quiet,” and “You’re a lot shorter up close,” – Mr. Fitzpatrick
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Lighten up. Seriously, you were boring.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
I’d have loved to become more sarcastic a long time ago. It makes life fun.
Zachary Malinak
Senior will:
I bequeath my passion on stage from Sami Jo to Emma Cumberledge because you are an amazing actress and you can only go up from here.
What is your best high school memory?
The moment where I saw my name on the musical cast list as the main lead for two years in a row.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Giammaria because she inspired me to fur-ther my talent and I owe my talent today to her.
What is your high school nickname?
Noah Marks
Senior will:
I bequeath my curisoity to Jon Bittner because it helps you think.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“You don’t need luck,” – Tink
Who is your most influential teacher?
Tink. He is always there for us.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
I’d join running freshman year, not sophomore.
Brittany Mavrich
Senior will:
I bequeath my good looks to Tina Davis because no one else could pull off deli-ciousness like her.
What is your advice for underclassmen?
My advice is to never make Mrs. Porter mad; nothing is worse than a mad ital-ian woman.
What are your plans after high school?
To study Criminal Justice and Psychol-ogy at Westminster College.
What is your high school nickname?
B-Mav, Britty May May, Britty, B-Swag, Mav Dawg, Britt.
Cassidy McCleary
Senior will:
I bequeath my buckets to Carly because I know you will use them wisely.
What is your advice for underclassmen?
Be careful who you trust. Don’t go look-ing for drama or it will find you.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“If it was easy, it wouldn’t be great,” -Mr. Kovalic
What will you miss most about FHS?
I will miss my friends. I am leaving behind some great peo-ple and I don’t know when I will see them again. I will also miss my drama club fam-ily. Most of all, Sam Deane.
Richard McEwen
What is your ad-vice for under-classmen?
If you do one thing in high school, make sure it is taking physics.
What are your plans after high school?
Attend Penn State Beaver for Computer Engineering.
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Take as many classes as you can to try everything. You never know what you will like or be good at.
How are you going to change the world?
Hopefully make strides in society through engineering.
Jarek Melvin
Senior will:
I bequeath my awesome-ness to Noah Bernard be-cause he needs it.
What is your advice for underclass-men?
Do not pro-crastinate and enjoy high school.
What do you want to ac-complish in your life-time?
I want to travel the world.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Porter.
What is your high school nickname?
Leah Moldovan
Senior will:
I bequeath my coolness to Cheyenne Moldovan because she’ll need it to get through her last two years of high school. I also bequeath my positive en-ergy and sarcasm on the softball team to Kali Ralston.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Porter. I feel that even if she does-n’t know it, or doesn’t even try, she pushed me and makes me want to be the best student I can be.
What will you miss most about FHS?
The teachers and my fellow graduating class that are going off to start the next chapter in their lives.
What is your high school nickname?
Lee or Leer. During softball it is Meat-head.
Tori Orison
Favorite quote by a teacher:
Student: “Can I go?” Teacher: “May I?”
Who is your most influential teacher?
Ms. DiGiacomo (business teacher at Votech)
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Get better grades.
What is your high school nickname?
Anna Patsch
Senior will:
I bequeath my sarcasm to Jon Bittner because someone has to bug Mr. Fitzpatrick when I am gone.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Take what you can get,” – Mr. Wargo
Who is your most influen-tial teacher?
Mr. Hartman and Mr. Fitzpatrick.
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
I would tell myself to stop stressing out about everything; it causes wrinkles.
Brooke Petcovic
Senior will:
I bequeath my love for cheerleading to all of the cheerleaders and for them to carry it on.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Ms. Fontaine and Mrs. Giammaria.
What will you miss most about FHS?
Pep assemblies, cheering the boys every Friday night, making it to playoffs, my friends and having as much heart as I do on the softball field.
How are you going to change the world?
By being a nurse, helping little kids and saving a life.
Alexis Potts
Senior will:
I bequeath my locker to whoever gets it because it is in an awesome place.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Everyday we have the opportunity to practice maturity,” – Mr. Langelli
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
I want to ac-complish the normal things: gradu-ate both high school and college, buy a house, car, have a family and get a wonderful job.
What is your high school nickname?
Lexie, Lex, Lex-a-lot, Lexington.
Wesley Roberts
Senior will:
I bequeath great wisdom, understand-ing, and compassion to Danny Conrad, because he is one of the last members of my clan and he is a neat kid. I also be-queath my love to Gigi because I love her and I am sappy.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Wargo and Tink.
How are you going to change the world?
Help people see the world and life in different ways.
What is your high school nickname?
Wes Roberts.
Kaysi Roberts
Senior will:
I bequeath my attitude and everything I left behind me to my little sister, Kalyn Roberts.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Alright, good talk,” – Mrs. Milanovich “I’m commander and chief,” – Mr. Bodalec
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Kaplin, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Haggerty, Miss Stringer, and Mrs. Nied-bala.They have all been there for me and push me to do better.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
Actually do my work and put 110% in eve-rything I do. Don’t wait until the last minute for my senior project and don’t let drama get to me.
Veronica Rooney
Senior will:
I bequeath whatever she wants to Belinda McNear because she is one of the funniest, nicest and sweetest people to have class with.
What is your best high school memory?
When Miss Stringer taught us “because.” She knows what I mean.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Miss Stringer, because she is one of the nicest and most honest person I have ever met. She really helped me out a lot.
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Your senior year? Yeah, that? Freakin’ authority.
Michael Ross
Senior will:
I bequeath my hair style to Lucas Yeck be-cause it is a step up from the spot.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“You are not stupid. You’re just slow and awkward,” – Mr. Wargo
Who is your most influen-tial teacher?
Mrs. Porter.
What will you miss most about FHS?
Hanging out with the football team during free time at football camp.
Kayla Sandala
Senior will:
I bequeath my outlook on life and en-thusiasm with wanting to succeed in my future to my little sister, Courtney, be-cause I want you to love what you are doing and enjoy your life.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Plug and chug,” – Mr. Wargo
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Giammaria. and Mrs. Martz
What will you miss most about FHS?
Having laptops all year. All of the tech-nology stuff, the musicals, my friends and the band at Friday night games.
Zoe Sayre
Senior will:
I bequeath my sarcasm to Jake Beckey be-cause he will need it to fin-ish high school hap-pily.
What are your plans after high school?
Lock Haven University 3+2 Physician Assistant Pro-gram
Who is your most influential teacher?
Tink because he really had a passion for teaching and loved it. It made me real-ize I needed to love my passion and make it my job.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
To not find out I was allergic to gluten, being an insomniac and have my gall-bladder removed.
Devan Schmitt
What is your advice for underclassmen?
Don’t wait until the last minute to get something done.
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
To not be stressed over money or debt.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Wargo
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
To not get in trouble.
Nicolas Schwab
Senior will:
I bequeath “the man beard” to Brad Eckman because he wants one so he’s the only person I would leave it to. I also bequeath my pick game to Evin Diciero because he needs it.
What are your plans after high school?
Attend RMU and get a 4 year degree in business.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Porter because she makes it fun to be in class and actually teaches.
What is your high school nickname?
“The King.” Haha, just kidding. Just Nick.
Adam Shawger
Senior will:
I bequeath my linebacker spot to Lucas Yeck or Gorn Dog because it’s time for them to become men. I also bequeath the black disks to Bubbles because they’re his to use.
What is your advice for underclassmen?
Good or bad, enjoy every moment you have in high school because these four years go fast.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“If you’re not completely confused, you’re not getting it,” – Mr. Wargo
What will you miss most about FHS?
The fun times and memories with my friends and teachers.
Joseph Stanyard
Senior will:
I bequeath my lack of attendance to all students because it will be better for them.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Barr
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
To show up often.
What will you miss most about FHS?
The teachers.
Katlyn Stark
Senior will:
I bequeath my attitude to shy girls because they need to stand up for themselves.
What are your plans after high school?
I plan on going to CCBC for nursing to become an RN.
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Pay attention in class and quit talking so much!
What will you miss most about FHS?
Some of the people.
Evan Stiger
What is your advice for underclassmen?
Life can be tough, but there are always good days around the corner.
What is your best high school memory?
Nov. 16, 2012. It was just a really nice swimming practice.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
I would want to put an extra effort into everything I do because life isn’t nearly as fun with the burden of regret.
What will you miss most about FHS?
I will miss the people. There are so many fantastic people here at Freedom who have done so much for me and helped me through hard times.
Megan Szatkiewicz
Senior will:
I bequeath all of my energy, cheerfull-ness and awesomeness to Jen Wallis because I can.
What is your best high school memory?
Sophomore year in gym with Amanda Hryckowian.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Wargo. He opened me up to a dif-ferent way of thinking.
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Take it easy. Don’t let others influence who you are or want to be.
Daniel Taylor
Senior will:
I bequeath my parking spot to Kelsey Velemirovich.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Be quiet, chatty Cathy.” -Miss Stringer
What is one thing you would tell your freshman self?
Don’t do stupid things.
How are you going to change the world?
By serving in the military.
Joshua Tinklepaugh
Senior will:
I bequeath will power to succeed to Kayla Rosenkranz because she is awe-some.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
I’m not really good with remembering quotes, but I am sure Mr. Wilson said it.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Wilson. He may have retired but he helped me out so much.
How are you going to change the world?
By being myself and following through with my dreams of building a best-selling videogame.
Matthew VanDeCar
Senior will:
I bequeath my goalie gloves to Sam Sharpless because he needs all the help he can get in goal now.
What is your best high school memory?
Winning section titles in soccer and track.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Majors.
If you could change one decision you made in high school, what would it be?
Not taking advantage of all of the op-portunities FHS provides.
Stacey Wallis
Senior will:
I bequeath my sneaking skills to Mehgan Bohach.
What is your advice for underclassmen?
If you stop trying now, it really won’t make a difference in the long run.
What will you miss most about FHS?
The fact that I can skip class and teach-ers think I’m doing something produc-tive.
How are you going to change the world?
To make people realize that their life is meaningful to others and that it’s pointless to not do any-thing with it.
Yanhui Wang
What is your advice for under-classmen?
Try hard in school. Do your best. You will succeed.
What is your best high school memory?
How people helped me with my work because my English is not so good. I appreciate the help from classmates and teachers.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Hastings.
What will you miss most about FHS?
The teachers and fun in-school activities.
Zachary Wilson
Senior will:
I bequeath the honorable duty of making band fun to Kameron Mayhue.
What is your advice for under-classmen?
Don’t let senioritis get you. It’s a bear.
Favorite quote by a teacher:
“Things that inspire you can help to inspire others,”- Mr. Wargo
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mr. Wargo and Mr. Saludis.
Kylee Wolf
Senior will:
I bequeath my outfield skills and blondeness to Kristy Sturgess. I be-queath my “smarts” to Mariah Forsythe.
What are your plans after high school?
Become a radiologist.
Who is your most influential teacher?
Mrs. Porter.
What will you miss most about FHS?
All of my underclassmen friends and softball.