Saying goodbye to lifelong events and hello to the future
Upon reaching graduation, many students will be having to say farewell to their lifelong passions.
Bittersweet is the word some would use to describe milestones in life. When an important milestone approaches, a person is not only excited to have achieved it, but also sorrowful they have to move on. Life is full of new opportunities and greetings, while also filled with nostalgic goodbyes and having to continue on without something. As previous graduates have already experienced their final high school goodbyes, future graduates will be experiencing them as well through their first, immense milestone.
As children, most parents and guardians sign their child up for some sort of activity. This activity can range from a sport to a hobby or a class. At an early age, these experiences can have a great impact on an individual when it comes to developing personality including likes and dislikes. For example, a young boy could potentially be registered for T-ball and grow up to play high school baseball. This also means a young girl could be registered for soccer and grow up to discover she prefers softball. These decisions made for young children will have an impact on the rest of their lives.
Personally, the sport I have been a part of since I was three years old is dance. Being a part of the dance community has allowed me to meet the people I’m closest to, express a form of art I admire and allow me pursue something I love. This can be said by several other athletes or club members who have experienced a lifelong activity that makes them happy. However, as a senior myself, all good things must come to an end.
As graduation slowly approaches for the class of 2020, high school seniors are slowly sending their farewells to their lifelong activities. It is mind-boggling to consider something you have been a part of for so long disappears so suddenly as time flies. It is also fanatical that all past graduates have had to experience this bittersweet pain, and all future graduates will endure it as well.
These forever farewells can be heart-breaking for some, but there will always be a positive outcome of the situation. The brightside, although you must say goodbye, is that these classes, hobbies, sports or anything else is what has helped you become you. These activities helped shape you as an individual and not only allowed you to feel sanguine, but prepare you for your future ahead.
The bittersweet aspect of surpassing the graduation milestone is not only a despondent feeling of leaving your lifelong activity, but being able to look back at all of the incredible experiences you were able to create from it. Saying farewell allows you to open a new chapter in your life and find more activities that will help you grow as an individual. Moving forward, you have your whole life ahead of you to discover more interesting aspects of yourself and what makes you happy.
Although these farewells hurt, I would like to say I am forever thankful for what my lifelong activity, dance, has done for me. On behalf of other seniors currently having to say goodbye, past graduates and future graduates, know that life moves on and your future holds extraordinary plans. Although the pain of saying goodbye is temporary, the opportunity of saying hello is exhilarating.