Name: Dylan Buchanan Favorite Teacher: Patti Ross. She has taught me more than anyone else. Senior Will: I leave my ninja skills to Hancherik. Best High School Memory: Joseph! Name: Bret Karns Future Plans: Underwater Welder Favorite Teacher: Frank Hernandez; he’s funny. Best High School Memory: Tractor day. Name: Kenny Ruckert Favorite Teacher: Sosko Senior Will: I leave my locker to Chris Wright! Best High School Memory: Vo-tech Name: Billy McCoy Favorite Teacher: Mr. Bohon; he teaches the best class in the world. Best High School Memory: Catching my hoodie on fire in Mr. Atkison’s class Name: Erik Gabrich Future Plans: Masters/Doctorate in business Favorite Teacher: Sosko; she’s chill. Senior Will: I leave the soccer team to Franzee Barlamas and Adam Hunkins. Name: Stefano Rosati Favorite Teacher: Sosko; she lets me do anything. Advice to Underclassmen: Do work. Name: Chris Pebley Senior Will: I leave my giant ball of tape to Mason Fischer. I leave my self confidence to whoever has the will to take it. Favorite Quote: Fight for your future. No one else will. Name: Chelsea Costello Favorite Teacher: Ms. Ross because she’s awesome!:p Advice to Underclassmen: Live every moment to its fullest because high school will really be some of the best years of your life! Name: Bryan McSorley Advice to Underclassmen: Don’t take the time here for granted. Best High School Memory: Winning the section championship with the baseball team Name: Caitlin Newton Senior Will: I leave knowing that Bohon will buy doughnuts for Caitlinn and Jordan next year! Favorite Quote: “Unshakable faith is faith that has been shaken.” Name: Joe Fubio Favorite Teacher: Wargo. He’s the bomb like tick tick. Favorite Quote: “Be yourself, because everybody else is already taken.” Name: Jessica Parson Favorite Teacher: Ms. Ross; she makes me smile every day. Favorite Quote: “I’m not gonna make it!…Dude, you’re totally gonna make it!” Name: Katy Ross Favorite Teacher: Soliros: a pleasant combination of Sosko, Linden, and Ross.(: Senior Will: I am leaving nothing. I want it put in a tomb with me like the Egyptians. Name: Ryan Zugay Favorite Teacher: Sosko because she is AWESOME Senior Will: I leave my awesomeness to my brother who will hopefully be cool!(: Name: Marques Muron Senior Will: I leave Sam Hildman and Leann Gordon the ability to take care of Gia when she is sick. Favorite Quote: “The grass is always greener on the other side of the lake until you get over there and realize it’s astro-turf.” Name: Andrew Murray Favorite Teacher: Mr. Tinker: he treats his students as adults and expects us to be responsible adults. Favorite Quote: “I run not to add days to my life, but to add life to my days.” Name: Luke Mesing Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Milanovich because she’s cool and awesome. She’s like a friend and fellow student, a great teacher. Senior Will: I leave my little bro Trevor nothing.(: Name: Nick Dishler Future Plans: Get a job Favorite Teacher: All my teachers are favorites Name: Tanner Mesing Future Plans: Go to college to major in Multimedia and play soccer. Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Milanovich because she can be a good friend and teacher. Name: Seth Shidemantle Advice to Underclassmen: Don’t let people get to you, don’t get involved in drama, and hit the books. Senior Will: I leave Colton Costello and Justin Baumiller many things… Name: Andy Acierno Future Plans: Labor Union Senior Will: I’m leaving my greatness. Name: Evan Rosenkranz Future Plans: Go to IUP for psychology and Criminal Justice Senior Will: My parking spot to my sister Jessica Favorite Quote: “Live life to please yourself, no one else.” Name: Amanda Twigg Future Plans: Robert Morris Favorite Teacher: Mlle Linden Best High School Memory: Study hall with Avery and Kyeem.(: Name: Brittany Young Favorite Teacher: Mlle Linden Senior Will: I leave my love to Crystal Hilton, Putri Mesing, Louis Spano, Ashley Bernard, and all my other favorite underclassmen.(: Name: Lexie Javens Advice to Underclassmen: Don’t give into peer pressure and reassure our high school years, it goes fast. Favorite Quote: “Love, hope, and faith.” Name: Sophia Rosati Senior Will: I leave my sunshiny, bubbly personality to all the underclassmen.(; Favorite Quote: “Believe nothing that you’re told and only half of what you see.” Name: Meagan Stewart Advice to Underclassmen: Don’t wait an hour before a test to start studying, especially with Tink’s tests. Senior Will: I leave my study skills to my sister Stephanie. Favorite Quote: “Life’s better with a smile on.”