‘Wazzzzzzzzzzuuuuup!’ Recently I’ve taken a trip down old memory lane, recalling old and ridiculous phrases that have passed though our mouths over the years. We’ve all fallen prey to them, those annoying sayings that for some unforeseeable reason we found cool at the time. Whether it’s an obnoxious greeting or an embarrassing nickname, we’re all guilty of using these popular phrases a few times in our lives. Generally these sayings are used in place of adjectives, and they usually adopt a meaning opposite of their real one. For instance, when someone says that a TV show is ‘sick’ it does not mean that it is in desperate need of cold meds; it means that it’s ‘awesome,’ ‘gnarly’ or ‘sweet,’ dude. Sometimes our culture adopts the weirdest ways to express our feelings. Instead of saying that something is interesting we would say that it’s ‘dope,’ ‘cool,’ or ‘boss.’ I can see you rolling your eyes now, probably telling yourself that you would never say something that lame. Denying it will do you no good. Does anyone remember when the phrase ‘like a boss’ came around? How about, ‘take a chill pill,’ ‘cool beans’ or ‘cool story, bro?’ When the era of texting rolled around, the phrases got even more annoying. Not only did the teenage population adopt more ridiculous ways of expressing their angst, but they have now begun abbreviating it. For example: ‘LOL,’ ‘BRB,’ ‘ROFL,’ ‘OMG’ and ‘TTYL,’ are all phrases abbreviated for the convenience of the modern day texter. And what happens to these phrases? They’re popular for a few months, get used entirely too much and then get used in an embarrassing attempt by your mom to connect with a younger crowd. Then, that’s the end of them. Listen ‘bro,’ I’m not saying we should bring these bad boys back into circulation, just that we should take recognition. The next time you hear a ‘Yeah buddy!’ around the hallways, take a moment to think about some of the ridiculous sayings that have circulated in years past.