Lost and confused, the students walk the school. Where are they going? Why isn’t this classroom here anymore? What even is Myths, Legends, and Folklore? These are a few questions you might be asking yourself as well. Along with the recent addition of the Freshmen Academy and the movement of classrooms, Freedom High School has added many new courses for each grade to take.
To get an idea of how to expand the selection of courses throughout the school, a survey was conducted last year asking students to select which courses they would like to be able to attend. Most of the classes that opened up were in the English department. A few classes made available are Sports Literature, Sci-Fi Literature, Literature to Film, Holocaust Literature and Satire.
AP Psychology is now available to the senior class along with AP Chem, which has been brought back after not being available for two years. New technology classes have opened up to students, such as the Freedom Fortune 500, Web Design, and more. CCBC Western Civilization as well as Civics and Government are new options in regards to history classes. Ceramics and Painting, both semester courses, have also been created for the art department.
With new classes there are new complications. For the Ceramics class, the kiln is still being installed to fire the art projects. Mrs. Haggerty wishes they were better prepared with supplies for these classes, but is excited to have the new class this year so far.
Senior Sam Schweinsberg, who is currently taking Myths, Legends and Folklore, is happy about the new classes in the school as he feels it “adds variety” for everyone. The class has assignments like writing your own fable and researching Greek Mythology further in the year. Schweinsberg adds, “It’s still an English class so we go over grammar and idioms and stuff like that.” But the course primarily focuses on myths, legends and folkore—hence the title of the class.
Students of Freedom are now able to have a diverse variety of different courses to pick and choose from, leading the school year off with a good start.