We are now into the third nine weeks of the school year, and things are starting to come to a stand-still. These next few months are the awkward months where our student body becomes bored with school. September through December, there are tons of things for students to do. From football games every Friday night to dances to school spirit activities, there is always something going on. Going back to school in January, everyone is winding down from the holidays and getting back into the swing of things. Then we get to February. There is only one fun holiday, Valentine’s Day, and that is only if you have someone special in your life. For people that don’t, Valentine’s Day is one of the reasons they hate February even more. The weather is dreary, and there is plenty of homework. Yes, these are the February blues. In February, you walk outside and you are greeted by snow, rain, and a lackluster sky. The snow on the ground isn’t usually the pretty kind either. Dirt remnants and tire tracks usually break the surface of the beautiful white canvas. Then you always have the deadly ice. Sometimes that ice is sneaky and hides under the snow, just waiting to make you slip. Not only does February bring down your spirits, but it puts strain on your body. There just aren’t enough layers of clothes to protect you from the cold and wind, and lotion should always be kept on hand. The winter winds can cause severe dry skin on hands, feet, arms, lips, and face. Rubbing vats of lotion on doesn’t always do the trick. But, who cares if you have flaky skin because there’s nothing to do in February anyway. Except for school, where can you go in February? Additionally, the third nine weeks are thought to be the hardest marking period of them all. Senior projects are soon due, and yearbook deadlines loom; the pressure can be crushing. Getting out of bed just to go to school serves a challenge. Pressing the snooze button one more time every single day has become a habit for many who do not want to wake up for another monotonous February day. But don’t rule fun out of your life completely, yet! With spring on the horizon, spring sports will be starting soon. That’ll give some excuse to get back in shape, and have some fun. Soon, the days will be getting longer. Thoughts of the spring musical, prom, and eventually summer are just around the corner. Just hang on through February, because soon beautiful blossoms will cover the yard replacing the snow, and we’ll all be in a better mood.