District returns to hybrid learning
District leaves up plexiglass in cafeteria for kids to continue to eat safely on hybrid model.
Freedom Area School District returns back to school in a hybrid method. Many students were waiting to head back to school after being virtual since Thanksgiving break. Students thought they would be in school by the beginning of January but COVID-19 cases were too high. Freedom stayed virtual until it was safe to have students in the buildings.
As of Feb. 15 the Elementary school returned to school hybrid. On Monday and Tuesdays students with the last names beginning with A-L went back. On thursdays and Fridays students with the last name beginning with M-Z returned. Everyone was virtual on Wednesdays. On Feb. 22 middle school and high school students the same way as elementary school did. Parents were glad to see their kids being happy and learning face to face. Although some students did remain virtual and did not come back into the building.
Sophomore Katrina Adams decided to remain virtual due to the many challenges that a hybrid model presented, basing her decision on her experiences returning to the building when students were last in the building in November 2020.
“When I first went back to school, it was different,” Adams said. “It just felt weird, as we all had masks, were not allowed to talk in the halls and we had to walk down specific staircases.”
Although it isn’t five days a week students are still making the best of it and enjoying it. While in school rules are still to be followed like wearing a mask, sanitizing, washing hands and social distancing. Plexiglass is around cafeteria tables so kids can eat safely.
“It felt so much easier to pay attention and it was easier to understand face to face. I really enjoyed being back and the rules were just about the same as how they were when we went back last time,” freshman Morgan Keller said.
Although many students are enjoying coming back there are students that are enjoying staying virtual in their warm cozy houses.
“I enjoyed going back, but preferred just staying virtual. Being virtual is just easier, as I do not have to worry about all of the new rules in place. I don’t have to worry about wearing a mask, washing my hands, distancing from others, and getting sick. There are a few rules for virtual hybrids. I never had to log on to study hall or PLT,” Adams said.
On Feb. 25 the M-Z students went back. Many plan to go in person but some will stay online since many think it’s easier. Some students are waiting to go back five days a week. Some just want to stay virtual.