So you’re watching the football game on Sunday afternoon with your friends. Big Ben totally botches the play, and a chorus of “Oh, come on! Anyone could have made that pass!” pours from the mouths of you and your fellow spectators. If you’re really being honest with yourself, though, you probably aren’t anywhere near as good as the guy who warms the bench for any professional team. This seems to be a recurring theme: one is unhappy with current products or performances, is often judgmental and quick to offer criticism, but in actuality, can only produce or perform to what is usually a lesser extent. This doesn’t just happen on a professional sports scale, either; think of things like our own football team, DTV, the musical, or even the yearbook. For example, let’s say DTV is on, and the wrong image appears on the screen and doesn’t match the anchor’s words at all. Before you think, “Wow, this is so lame,” think to yourself: “Do I know how to use advanced computer programs, and can I produce a product daily that will be judged and critiqued by the student body?” The answer for many of us is no. Remember that three-minute video that took you four weeks to make? Yeah, DTV does that every day. For those of you who can do those things, why not get involved? Think of how much could be accomplished if rather than criticizing the productions of the student body, students contributed their talents and skills for the good of everyone. For those students who aren’t an exceptional physical specimen, tech wizard or on-stage prodigy, no worries. Just being supportive and positive can make a world of difference. Rather than being judgmental, keep in mind the effort that goes into all of these productions. The next time you’re feeling judgmental of the musical or your favorite sports team, try to keep in mind how much effort actually goes into the product that you’re seeing. Besides, many students would have trouble doing much better.