Not many students know about all of the clubs that are available in this school, and many students graduate without having ever joined one. The faculty has been working this year to allow pupils to be more involved in the school. On Sept. 17 a club fair took place during AAP to allow students to see every activity they can join in the school.
All the sponsors of the clubs wrote brief descriptions about the club they are in charge of for students to see, including any requirements for the club or any trips that the club will be going on. The list was handed out the day before the club fair, and students were able to sign up to visit the clubs of their choice. During AAP, the club classrooms were opened for everyone to visit and learn about. Sponsors of the clubs and the officers were there to talk about what their club does, so interested students could decide whether to join the activity or not. The club fair was successful, as it made students aware of what exactly was happening in the school, and increased student involvement.
According to Mr. Frank Hernandez, there are certain clubs that only have two students in them currently. “Any time students are involved in activities outside the school, their engagement and connectivity to school increases,” Hernandez says.
At the Sept. 6 Pep Assembly, Mr. Hernandez was happy to see the majority of the school down on the field with a team, but would still love to see an increase in the student’s involvement with after-school activities and organizations.