CDC recommends third dose of booster shot to eligible recipients
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to the public and is safe for use.
While some individuals believe that vaccination is key to helping end the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still some people that refuse to get vaccinated against the virus. These vaccines are safe to get and are becoming available for people of all ages. Recently, companies that produce vaccines, like Pfizer and Moderna, have developed a third booster shot for vaccinated individuals. People who are 65 years and older or 18 years and older with certain medical disabilities or those that received their first dose six months ago are now all eligible for this third booster shot.
The creation of this third vaccine dose is supposed to make the immune system stronger against COVID-19, building off of the other two vaccines. Since the people that are eligible must have had the first two doses for at least six months, the immune system might be slightly weaker than it was a few weeks after the two doses. The third dose essentially brings the level of protection that is in the body back up to what it was like when first fully vaccinated. While there is limited data to back this claim up, experts believe this is the effect.
The benefits of getting a third dose of the vaccine heavily outweigh the disadvantages, if there are any. The same can be said for getting the vaccine in the first place. According to the Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD), COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be safe and effective. The vaccine doses have been thoroughly tested in clinical trials and have been reviewed multiple times by the FDA and the CDC. With vaccines being safe for adults of all ages, vaccine companies have been producing doses that childrens’ immune systems are capable of handling. The strength of these new doses for younger children is equivalent to one-third the strength of the standard dose of the vaccine.
While there can be some breakout cases in fully vaccinated individuals, that does not mean that the vaccine is ineffective. There has not been a vaccine in history that has been one-hundred percent effective in all people. All three doses do not harm or alter DNA cells, cause infertility or interfere with pregnancy, this simply is not possible. Additionally, with the amount of research and data that scientists have collected, a long term health effect or disability is highly unlikely.
In conclusion, it is extremely important that people get fully vaccinated, not just to help themselves, but to help all the people around them. Once eligible, they should make an attempt to receive a third dose as well. The third booster shot may only be available to certain people now, but that does not mean individuals cannot get vaccinated. Being fully vaccinated helps the world continue to slow down the COVID-19 pandemic.