Big changes come to FHS
Administrative changes come to high school, district
Mr. Steven Mott (left) was approved as Interim High School Principal, and Mr. William Deal (right) was approved as Director of Teaching and Learning at the Jan. 13 school board meeting.
On Thursday, Jan. 13, many changes to the high school and district administration were approved by the school board. Even though they are all still familiar faces, some will be moving in and out of the building. These administration changes will be taking place to help change the curriculum in the school district. After sending out a survey to parents, students and teachers, the curriculum was one of the major concerns, so they figured out the best moves for the district.
The biggest change in the high school is that Mr. William Deal is moving from high school principal to the director of teaching and learning in the central office down at the middle school. Deal is one of the most familiar faces at the high school, so him moving out of the building will be a huge change for the high school staff and students.
“This new position is a career goal that I have had for years, and I’m really excited for it, but it’s kind of like a double edged sword because I wasn’t ready to leave the high school yet,” Deal said.
With Deal moving out of his position at the high school, Mr. Steven Mott will move from the high school assistant principal to the interim high school principal.
“This has just been a dream come true, because being assistant principal, you always want to become the principal, and I’m honored to be able to do it in this building,” Mott said.
Moving a familiar face back to the high school, Mr. Jeffrey Griffith will be moving from K-8 intervention specialist to be the interim high school assistant principal. Seniors and high school staff members are very excited for Griffith to be back in the building after not seeing much of him over the last year.
Finally, with Griffith heading up to the high school, Ms. Sara Miller will be switching from K-8 gifted coordinator to fill his position as interim K-8 intervention specialist and dean of students. Right now, Miller supervises the middle school’s journalism program, but after she takes this new position, she will still continue to oversee the program while the class has a long-term substitute.
“I am looking forward to working with Dr. Smith and Mr. Capehart and the teachers to implement some new programs and interventions that we have been discussing, and being able to serve all of the students in grades K-8,” Miller said.
Even though a lot of exciting changes are coming to the high school, high school staff and students are sad to be losing Deal, but are very excited to welcome Griffith back into the building.
“I’m very excited for these changes. I think it will improve student engagement and give them more opportunities,” superintendent Ms. Diane Workman said.
These changes are set to be put in place on Feb. 1 of this school year.