Beaver County schools return to virtual learning
Freedom students return to online learning with rising COVID-19 cases.
Many students were happy to be back in school on Nov. 9. COVID-19 cases are rising and many schools decided to go back to online school. Although there are many students who enjoy doing school at home, many schools are devastated and hope to see kids back soon.
Freedom looked over the cases in Beaver County on Friday November 20th. With many kids getting sick and cases rising in local places, Freedom decided to go back to virtual learning. Some students decided to stay virtual instead of coming back.
“I was already in online school and never went back, so I’m fine with it,” sophomore Jordan Lizzi said.
“I don’t like it at all, I can’t focus,” sophomore Adam Wright said.
“Online is good but, I’m ready to go back because for my personal experience I do better in-person than online,” sophomore Joey Rinere said.
Although not everyone went back to school, many students did and when students went back online they struggled. Many hoped to go back to school after Thanksgiving break but that was not the case. Many schools will not be back to in person learning until after New Years, while still following all the COVID-19 rules. Even though some schools had no cases, they still chose to shut down to avoid getting students and teachers sick. Many teachers are devastated to not see their students everyday. Many say they will miss their students and wish it was a normal year.
At Freedom, many were upset to hear they were going back to virtual learning but many were expecting it. The elementary school was in for six weeks, middle school was in for four weeks but high school was only in person for two weeks. Many high school students are upset, they miss it. Freedom plans to put all students back in school at the same time once it is safe to open. Freedom is trying to keep the kids safe but wish they could see their faces.
Some kids looked for the positive in online learning and how to have fun during these times. On Google Meets you can add a background including blurry, beach and more. Many use them when they have a messy background or just to play around.
Some students are wondering Will the kids still get snow days or will they turn into online learning days? The district hopes to put out more information on upcoming details.
Freedom also plans to still do meal distribution. They will give out meals on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Mondays and Wednesdays will have two breakfasts and two lunches. Friday will have one of each. Meals can be picked up at Freedom Middle school, the old Conway elementary, or Unionville Church. Pick up times are 3-5 p.m.
As cases are rising many still hope to be back in school. The faculty and students are hoping for the best.