Verbally bashing presidents, or anyone with authority for that matter, has become socially acceptable. The freedom of speech has been taken to an extreme, and it has become the norm to be disrespectful to other people. Respect should be given the instant that you meet a new person. If they do something to cause a lack of respect, that is one thing; however, you should still at least be polite to that person. There is an old saying: “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” This saying can be applied in many situations. Some students may say that teachers are more forgiving or understanding with certain kids. Those kids are usually some of the most respectful kids in the class, and if you are not respectful, teachers aren’t going to be as likely to cut you breaks that other students get. Teachers make more decisions in a day than a fighter pilot. They can’t please everyone, but those who are respectful often get remembered. Bashing a diplomat is just plain wrong. That diplomat, especially in America, was elected in by the people of the country. The citizens chose this person, not because they were ‘cooler’ or anything, but because the person in power represents the beliefs of the people. Voting is a choice, but respecting the leader of your country is not an option. It takes a majority to win an election, so most of the people around you have very similar beliefs to the political figure. Freedom High School has a respect problem. When Mr. Dadich first came into the school, the hallways were filled with slurs against him and horrible names. However, as we have grown up this year with him, people say what great things Mr. Dadich has brought to the school. Just because you know someone on a more personal level than you would know the president, governor or mayor doesn’t give you the right to be rude towards them and their beliefs. Respect should always be present, it is not something that has to be earned, like how love is earned. Respecting someone in more authority than you, or even just respecting your peers makes you appear to be an open-minded and reasonable person.