Freedom’s Athletic Trainer, Alex Rawding, had her last day on Oct. 9. After taking on the role of athletic trainer at the beginning of the 2019 school year, Rawding has decided to resign due to a better job offer at another local school. Rawding has helped and impacted a number of athletes in the district, who are all sad to see her go. Even though she was offered a better job that suited her needs, she had a hard time leaving the district.
“I think the biggest thing I loved was the small community,” Rawding said. “I had support from everyone I met and that means a lot to me.”
At Freedom, Rawding was employed through UPMC, so she was an employee of the health system and not the school district, however, Beaver Area School District offered to take her on as a district employee, which creates growth for her on a professional level and allows for more opportunities for her family. As an employee of the district, compared to the health system, Rawding was offered more money as a base salary and greater benefits such as medical and retirement.
Rawding has not just been an athletic trainer to athletes in the school district, she has been a friend. She formed bonds with every athlete that has had to see her in her four years at Freedom and her resignation has been hard for many Freedom athletes.
“I always said that Alex’s room was like my second home because I was always in there whether I was getting taped or just to be in there to talk/rant,” senior, Shaye Bailey said.
With Rawding leaving, there is not a bright future for a new athletic director here at Freedom. UPMC cannot provide the district with a new trainer, simply because they do not have any to provide. There is a shortage of athletic trainers in the area, with only two projected to graduate from local colleges within the next year. Though there is not going to be a new athletic trainer for possibly years to come, there will be substitutes that will try to fill in as often as possible. Only Friday night football games will have a guaranteed trainer on duty. This change will impact a large number of athletes who regularly attend the trainers room for treatment.
The absence of Rawding will be an adjustment that the district, and student athletes, will have to work through. Although the school community is sad to see her go, they all want the best for Rawding, and her family, in the future.
“Even though I am extremely sad to see her leave, I am so happy that Alex has found new opportunities,” senior, Emma Falk said.