April showers bring May flowers
May brings growth, new beginnings
Students show off their prom flowers in a circle on May 6.
With rainy April days wrapping up, warmer air flows in adjacent to May. The name of the month, May, originates from Greek mythology – from the Greek goddess Maia. Maia is associated with growing and fertility. So, naturally, the month of May is known for growing and blooming flowers.
Along with the theme of growing comes new beginnings. The month of May brings many new beginnings for seniors. As the school year wraps up, seniors are getting ready for their next stages in life. They are finally done with the stressful process of college applications and long-term, important decisions about their futures. All of the studying, scholarship writing, planning and applying to schools ends, and they can catch their breath to get ready for graduation. At graduation, they will probably receive some flowers, which symbolize the end of their high school career and new beginnings in the upcoming future. Along with seniors, the other grades have new beginnings as well. Summer begins, and after, a new school year will, too.
“After a tough senior year, I look forward to my last summer with my high school friends and to get ready for the next chapter in my life,” senior Olivia Evans said.
Flowers are a gift many people give to someone for an important reason. Flowers are given out for accomplishments, big moments, sports games, theater performances, loving gifts and many other reasons. People give flowers out of love and pride. So, flowers can be a symbol of affection and can be important to people.
“After my first softball game, my mom got me flowers. It made me feel special, and the fact they were red and matched my uniform made me happy,” junior Leyasa Young said.
Freedom’s prom was held on May 6. Along with the colorful dresses and suits, students bought flowers to match their prom outfits. Bouquets of flowers showcase the thought students put into matching their prom outfits.
“I got white flowers with a red ribbon to match my dress,” senior Emily Young said.
Not only are flowers meaningful, but they are also well-loved. Flowers are known for their pretty looks and good smells. There are many different types of flowers. According to The Guardian, there were approximately 400,000 types of flowering plant species in the world as of 2010. Even with new discoveries happening periodically, there are still many more to be identified. Each flower has a different look and some even have interesting back stories. The Narcissus, or Daffodil, was named after a Greek myth of a man known for his beauty who ended up falling in love with his own reflection.
“My favorite flower is the rose because they are pretty,” sophomore Blake Neely said.
All in all, May can be appreciated for its new beginnings and growth. At the end of the year, people are growing into who they are meant to be. The trees fill up with green and the ground sprouts with flowers. Take a deep breath, embrace new beginnings and try to enjoy the blossoms of color on the ground.