As we look back upon the Civil Rights Movement, we view the citizens who picketed with signs depicting racial slurs as wrong and something of the past. After the movement, current society believes in equality, yet we don’t practice what we preach. In 50 years, our generation will be the one looked down upon for disrespecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transexual (LGBT) rights. The Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal,” but apparently homosexual men are not equal because they are not treated as such. In today’s society, we see protestors holding signs outside of gay marriages. Who is to say that sexual orientation dictates what a marriage means to the individual? LGBT rights are in the same category of women’s rights and African American’s rights. The true issue here is that regardless of beliefs, these are human rights. Everyone remembers the Chick-fil-A fiasco from earlier in the year–something that could have easily been avoided. Not agreeing with the matter does not excuse hate on the public or the establishment’s side. There are ways to express beliefs without being hateful; you can have your opinion as long as you are respectful. Another equality issue that is still prevalent is women’s rights. Though the rights of women have been improved greatly, there are still some areas that need to catch up in for improvement. Salary equality is one of the major issues for women’s rights. According to the Washington Post, women make 77 cents for every dollar made by her male counterpart. The 13 cents per hour that she is not making truly adds up. This leads to a $431,000 lifetime wage gap, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Though a woman could have the same qualifications as a man, she still earns less and has a lesser chance of getting a high-paying job. If we are preaching equality, women should get equal pay for equal work. Discrimination is a serious issue, and if you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.