A colorful thought
Librarian proposes idea for new mural at the middle school
More color is being added to the middle school with the proposal of a mural in the cafeteria. This idea has received positive feedback and support from only a few students so far, but they are willing to back it up.
“It will add some color, and definitely some school spirit,” middle school librarian Sara Heiman said when asked what the mural would add to the school.
“I think if it’s planned well, it shouldn’t take that long, but that’s the key. It needs to be planned out before we start anything,” Heiman added.
She also expressed her hopes to get other teachers involved in some way, saying that the mural could be a project exclusive to art students, or something the whole school can get involved in.
“Not only do our students see it, but faculty, parents coming in for a variety of reasons and other community members including our board members, when they come in for a meeting, that’s one of the first walls that they see. I think it would add a really nice touch if we could promote our Freedom pride here,” principal Ryan Smith said.
The mural, created by art students show all of the components of the school district. Math leagues, science clubs, drama, band and much more is included within the mural at the high school.
“I think you guys at the high school have done a phenomenal job, and I would love to see some of our students be able to display their artistic abilities in all of our buildings across the district,” Smith conveyed his thoughts on what features the mural would add to the school, along with other choice places for art to be shown off.
“I have several ideas that I would love to discuss with some members of the high school and the middle school that would like to display their artwork. We have several hallways that are pretty white that need a little touch of flare, so I’d be more than happy to entertain some of those options,” Smith said.
Smith also said that the middle school art teacher, Jim Gregg, would support an artistic project if it meant for students to express their artistic talents and be creative through their projects.
As it is seen through the many paintings that hang on the walls, the school district is full of many artists. The middle school does have something like a mural near the gymnasium, but it’s not always noticed by everyone.
That being said, all students in the middle school eat lunch in the same place, and administration has agreed that a change should be in order. Heiman explained that there currently isn’t a date set for the start of the mural, but she’s hoping to get something started by the end of the school year or the start of the next school year.